How To Avoid A Costly Lawsuit – Steven Crass – June 2020

Attention Employers!

If you have “Work from Home” employees watch this podcast from Labor Law Attorney Steven Crass and avoid a costly lawsuit  

The employment environment for office staff has changed in California and the Nation and will likely continue for the foreseeable future.

When Governor Newsom announced the “stay-at-home” orders many businesses and their employees continued conducting business from their homes.  Communication is now conducted in zoom meetings, conference calls and increased emails to encourage social distancing.  But be careful, obeying the labor laws for “work from home” employees is trickier than for employees in a contained office environment. 

Employers who are not in compliance with labor laws can face fines, penalties, administrative claims or even a lawsuit.  Employment lawsuits have the added burden of attorney fees and they can potentially be filed as a class action, or as a pseudo class action under the “Private Attorneys General Act” (PAGA). 

Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse urges you to consult an attorney or human resources professional to ensure your reimbursement policy is in compliance and your time cards are in order, because that single expense will be infinitely cheaper than fines, penalties or a class action PAGA lawsuit.

Thank you to Steven Crass for your support to CALA and all our member business owners!

View Steven’s presentation here.

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